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Castor Church of England Primary School



At Castor, we believe that maths is a life skill and that every child will need to call upon maths to help them succeed throughout their lives.  We believe that every child can succeed in maths, and we aim to instil this belief in the children themselves. 

Through our maths curriculum we aspire that all of our learners:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and develop deep conceptual understanding. 
  • develop the ability to rapidly and accurately recall and apply knowledge.
  • reason mathematically and communicate their understanding using mathematical language and representation.
  • have the opportunity to solve problems by applying their mathematical skills and knowledge to a variety of problems and situations with increasing sophistication. 
  • are guided to break down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevere in seeking solutions. 



Throughout the school, there is a focus on rapid recall and application of basic number skills such as number bonds and times tables.  The children are taught to calculate accurately and efficiently using mental or written skills as appropriate.  They are provided with opportunities to reason and to apply their calculating skills.  Practical equipment, models and images are used as necessary to support their understanding of calculation and of reasoning. 

The learning needs of every child are addressed through skilful questioning and support – this provides the necessary scaffolding or challenge for all.

In our Reception class, the children work towards the Early Learning Goals for Number and Numerical Patterns as well as looking at Shape Space and Measure from the Development Matters document. 

In Key Stage One and Two, the children follow the national curriculum - number, measurement and geometry.  When calculating, they follow the school calculation policy which is based on the national curriculum.  Their lessons are based around the White Rose scheme.  This has a focus on making small steps in learning and being secure in those steps.  Opportunities to practice, reason and problem solve.  Teachers use other resources from Classroom Secrets, Nrich and NCETM as is necessary in order to support or challenge children appropriately.  The lessons allow the children opportunities to practice, reason and problem solve. 

Children are assessed formally at the end of each term using NFER assessments. 

Children are encouraged to improve their speed and recall of number bonds and times tables facts at home as well as at school.  Tackling Tables and Tackling Add and Subtract are all used to give the children targets to aim for.  They also encourage the children to focus on one skill at a time and become very good at it before moving onto the next skill.  

By the time the children reach the end of Year 4, they are prepared for the Multiplication Tables Check. 



Learning is matched appropriately to the age group being taught with one or two exceptions for children with extreme mathematical needs.

Work in children’s books show the children are having opportunities to reason and problem solve.